Social innovator and activist Vicki Robin, psychologist Daniel Kahneman, Harvard Business School professor Michael Norton, and author Bruce Feiler offer advice on achieving financial independence.
This post explains what are the rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow”, their usage and security and search engine optimization (SEO) implications.
Using web address (URL) redirects is a common online practice to send visitors from one URL to another. Redirects are often used to fix broken links or migrate to a new website.
Robert Heaton hilariously exploits a geolocation vulnerability in dating app Bumble to leverage _trilateration_ techniques to stalk his fictional coworkers.
Top five regrets yielding five commands to live by: Don't ignore your dreams; don't work too much; say what you think; cultivate friendships; be happy.
Beyond man management, leading a team requires continuously reliable conduct and delivery by example. James Stanier advises on how to nurture and grown professional influence.
Concurrent programming techniques are important foundations of languages like Node, Rust and Go. This book aims to take a look at the why and how of concurrent programming.
With the ambition of accelerating the pace of scientific research by adopting effective processes learned from the open source software development community.
Tech company installed a flawed NSA algorithm that became ‘a perfect example of the danger of government backdoors.’
Medusa is a composable engine that combines an amazing developer experience with endless customizations for merchants to scale.
A universal, flexible, simple, actionable, cross-platform, outcome-oriented, module and opportunistic system that divides work units into Projects - Areas - Resources - Archives.
Cabal is a private workspace for founders to send asks & updates, track contributions, and tap into their shareholder networks.
Antoine Lehurt succinctly hones in on how articulating your writing can clarify your thoughts. I'm really thinking to embrace this — too offer I suffer from paralysis from overwhelm.
The best introduction possible on technology, science, and philosophy subjects for curious people who want to understand and change the world.
Someday aliens are going to land their saucers in a field somewhere in New Jersey and everything is going to go just fine right up until we try to explain our calendar to them.
The most detailed article David Perell has ever written about the craft of writing. Based on three pillars of online writing: (1) Writing from Abundance, (2) Writing from Conversation, and (3) Writing in Public.
Where's the portal?
Deadlines are the bane of every software engineer’s existence, yet projects are still buggy, the customers are unhappy, and we’re all exhausted.
Engaging interactive visual essay that illustrates and explains why today's grossly unequal wealth distribution patterns are sadly inevitable ...and easily preventable.
One of my favourite page on the web, Bartosz deconstructs and details the inner workings of a watch movement, with highly detailed interactive animations and explanations.
Concise yet extensive overview of the major design and development techniques deployed by NES devs, to bring creatively constrained products and experiences to the newly-established home videogame market.
An insightful summary of developer salary expectations and employer offers for the tech industry.
That ChatGPT can automatically generate something that reads even superficially like human-written text is remarkable, and unexpected. But how does it do it?