Studying Stochastic Semantics
11 January 2023Today I learned the word stochastic from reading the OpenAI documentation. [1]
Since the ChatGPT beta launched publicly, I have kept returning to it, sometimes just to play and other times to actually help me produce content. As a business owner I have to wear so many hats and one of my least favourite is "marketer/copywriter". While I earnestly enjoy writing notes for study, producing technical documentation, communicating concisely, or writing records for myself, there's something about "copywriting" that I just don't enjoy.
While I respect good writing as an art form, content-production feels more like a digital hack job. It seems so formulaic that it itches my developer-mind as something prime for automation. Now ChatGPT allows me to do just that.
But I keep going back to it for more; to summarise content consumption, to narrow options for accelerated decision-making, and to explore topics in a way that is more organically curious and earnestly conversational than pouring through search results and consuming Wikipedia articles ever can.
Now it's time to build. I don't know the destination just yet, but I've started taking my first steps today.
(2023, January) OpenAI Quickstart, OpenAI