New Year, New Ambitions

1 January 2022


Decided that I need more structure to my fullstack learning this year and so signed up for an account. After browsing through the content library, I decided to start by revisiting some foundational skills that will serve me throughout the rest of the year.

To that end, I completed the Up and Running with TypeScript course by John Lindquist. Was a good exercise to run the basics again; setup, syntax, type assertions, generics and @types.

A key ambition this year is to evidence more of my development learning and open-source contributions. Where so many of my contributions are on private client projects or are protected behind NDAs, openly evidencing my learning and understanding should serve me much better in sourcing new opportunities in Web2 and Web3 settings.

To that end, I will publish completed courses publicly to my GitHub profile, starting here:

2022 Goals

First Run of the Year

The first of January came and went and I never found the spark required to get out for a run. The weather is eerily mild for January (feeling more like September), so I had no excuses on that front. Yesterday just passed me by.

Admittedly today was on the same course for the early morning. I was binging on JCS - Criminal Psychology videos on YouTube, particular disillusioned and downbeat by the case of Casey Anthony. Reaching 11am, I knew I needed to shake this off to avoid losing the day again.

I completed a short “ice-breaker” run of 2.5K around my neighbourhood, not pushing too hard or caring about the distance. Just start the habit and enjoy the outdoors and burn again. Harder runs will be coming!